Learning goals

Part 0 - Learning goals and grading

The list below does not include everything, but exists to give a guideline for students, what to expect each week. This list may extend as the course goes on.

1You can write simple programs, which read user input and for example basic calculations. You know the terms variable, conditional or if, and while-loop and can use them in the programs.
2You know the logical operators, such as and, or and not and can use them in conditionals and while-loops. You know what methods, method parameters and method return mean, how to create them and what happens in the program while a method is used.
3You can comment your code and understand how naming variables affects the readibility of code. You understand the basics of lists and can use them in your programs, and iterate through a list.
4You comprehend the terms file and filesystem and can read a simple file with your program. You know the basics for Object oriented programming and how to use this information in your programs.
5You know the different data types and how they differ from each other. You can overload methods and constructors. You can use all these in your programs.
6You understand the dfference between static and non-static classes and methods. You can separate user interface from program logic.
7You can create a project with proper structure and are able to run tests in the correct folder.
8You can use dictionaries as data storage, understand hash and solve problems with them in object oriented programming.
9You understand inheritance and interfaces. You will learn to create classes that inherit another classes, and also classes that implement one or more interfaces.
10You understand how objects are compared and can use this information. You understand the basics of enumeration and regular expressions.
11You can create random strings and numbers. You are able to handle exceptions, read and write (to and from) files, and use these in problem solving.
12You understand the basics of the keyword using. You can create small graphical interfaces for your programs.

The courses are graded on a scale of 0-5, individually. The grade comprises of the amount of exercises done.

Percentage doneGrade
90 % or more5
80 % - 89,99 %4
70 % - 79,99 %3
60 % - 69,99 %2
50 % - 59,99 %1
Less than 50 %0

At the end of the courses, there is also an exam with pass / fail grading. This does not affect the grade but is to ensure that you have done the exercises yourself. More information about the exam will come closer to the exam.