Course information

Welcome to the Algorithms and Data Structures course!

If you just want to learn

To attend the course, you do not have to be a student in Centria University of Applied science. All the material and exercises are available online. If you want to get ECTS credits for the course, you have to register to Centria Open University.

Registering to Open University

You can register to the course from HERE.

Centria students don't have to enroll to Open University, but enroll from Peppi!

Learning goals

The list below does not include everything, but exists to give a guideline for students, what to expect each week. This list may extend as the course goes on.

1You understand the basics of algorithms and data structures. You understand their meaning in software engineering.
2You understand time complexity and the Big O notation.
3You understand recursion and can use it in problem solving. You know of different sorting algorithms and their differences.
4You know of the list and tree data structures, especially binary search tree.
5You understand the basics of graph data structures and searching them with DFS and BFS.
6You know of Bellman-Ford, Djikstra's and Floyd-Warshall algorithms and understand their basic functionality.


  • The course tasks consist of weekly TestMyCode (TMC) exercises. They are all scored, usually 2 points per exercise (more points per larger/more difficult exercise). Each week will have roughly 10 points (some might have 8, some 12), so 60 points in total.
  • A student must get at least 50 % of points to pass the course, and 90 % for grade 5.
<= 290

At the end of the course, there is also an exam with pass / fail grading. This does not affect the grade but is to ensure that you have done the exercises yourself. The exam is reserved for students of Centria University of Applied Sciences and Centria Open University, and you can find the registeration information from above. The course material and the exercises are available still for anyone who wants.

Errors in the material?

Did you find an error? A typo perhaps? Please make a pull request at GitHub and help us make the material better!