Part 2 - Terminology


Lause (statement) is the part of a program that performs an action. Often a sentence refers to a single command.

For example, print (" Hi! ") Is a phrase that prints line text, and number = 2 is a statement that sets a value for the variable.

The sentence can also be more complex, and there can be other sentences inside. For example, the following conditional sentence consists of three lines:

if name == "Enter":
print ("Hi!")
number = 2

In this case, there are two sentences within the conditional sentence.


Block is a set of consecutive sentences that are at the same level in the program structure. For example, a conditional statement in a block contains statements that are executed when the condition is true.

if ika> 17:
The block in the # conditional statement begins
print ("You're an adult!")
ika = ika + 1
print ("now a year older ...")
# block ends
print ("this is in a different block")

In Python, a block is expressed by indenting the block code, or sentences, to the same level.

It is worth noting that the "main block" of Python must be indented on the left side of the file:

# this program does not work because the code is not indented
print ("hey world")
print ("bad program ...")


Function performs an action. A function can have one or more parameters that indicate exactly what the function should do.

A function is executed when it is called, that is, the code contains the name of the function and the parameters given to the function in parentheses. For example, the following code calls the print function with the parameter"this is a parameter":

print ("this is a parameter")

Input, which reads input from the user, is also a function. As a parameter, the function receives a message to be displayed to the user:

name = input ("Tell your name:")

In this case, the function resets the value, which means that the value appears in the function call point after the function is executed. The value returned by the input function is the text entered by the user as a string. The value returned by a function is often placed as the value of a variable so that the value can be utilized in the program.


Type means what a value in the code is. For example, in the following code, the type of the variable name is a string and the type of the variable result is an integer:

name = "Enter"
result = 100

The type function tells you the type of an expression. For example:

print (type ("Anna"))
print (type (100))