Exercises and Exam
Prerequisits for the course
To do the exercises for this course, you need to create a MOOC account. If you have one already, use your existing one.
Registering to the course
You need to have a MOOC.fi account
for submitting the exercises. You can read the instructions from here: https://www.mooc.fi/en/installation/vscode/#mooc.fi-create-account. If you have one already, use your existing one.
Doing the exercises
All the exercises are done at a separate exercise page. You need your MOOC account to login to the page. Once logged in, the page keeps track of your submitted exercises.
The exercises are themed as follows:
- Exercises 1-20 are for SQL Basics
- Exercises 21-40 are for Multiple tables
- Exercises 41-60 are for More techniques
- Exercises 61-100 are more advanced from all topics
To pass the course, you have to have at least 50 exercises correctly done, as well as pass the exam. The grading is as follows:
- Grade 1: 50-57 exercises
- Grade 2: 58-65 exercises
- Grade 3: 66-73 exercises
- Grade 4: 74-80 exercises
- Grade 5: 81-100 exercises
The course can have either weekly deadlines or a single deadline at the end, by which exercises have to be done. The deadlines are automatic and hard. The deadline is always at the end of the course.
The exam
At the end of the course, there is also an exam with pass / fail grading. This does not affect the grade but is to ensure that you have done the exercises yourself. The exam is reserved for students of Centria University of Applied Sciences and Centria Open University, and you can find the registeration information from above. The course material and the exercises are available still for anyone who wants.
The exam will be held in Centria's Itslearning platform.
Open university exam
To access the exam, you have to register to the Open University course from this page: https://ella.eduplan.fi/centria.
Those who want to get ECTS credits, must enroll in open university. The registrees will get the credentials in Centria’s Itslearning-environment. The final exam in Itslearning must be finished by deadline (set per course basis).